“Terrorist organisations keep changing their communication tools to avoid detection and the agencies try tapping into messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Kik, as well as data-destroying apps such as Wickr and Surespot which terrorists have embraced precisely because they guarantee security and anonymity,” he said. Manu P Zacharia, cyber security expert and member of Data Security Council of India, said in many cases, agencies cannot track the messages in real time because the phone companies and the app developers don’t retain a record of the messages which are encrypted and coded. Both the NIA and the IB have been keeping track of devious new communication tools being used by the IS, including messaging apps that encrypt texts and destroy them almost immediately. “Turned out Telegram is not safe at all,” it added. The group also alerted users that the Telegram account of one of its admins had been hacked “by Russians” and warned users not to save any personal information or photos on their Telegram accounts.

Citing a report by US-based terrorism analysis organisation MEMRI, officers said on October 25, a pro-IS media group posted on several of its Telegram outlets the file for the encrypted communication app Wickr, which is being widely used by IS supporters because it was safe to download and use.